Monday, October 11, 2010

If you think Wal Mart has spicy sauces, think again

Today, me, Jamie, and Jana tried our first 'spicey satae' since we've been back. Only seconds after taking a bite, I was stuffing spoonfuls of rice in my mouth, running around the room crazily and trying to fan myself with my book. Meanwhile, Jamie was gulping down a whole glass of water, and Jana, being so Indonesian nowadays sat there like nothing ever happened. It took me a while to get back to normal, and for the heart burn to stop, but let's just say next time I'm going to pay a lot more attention to the spiciness of things.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Our house...and more!

Jana and her bff, Ghe (or Grace)

       Jamie and Randy                                                                                     Neighbor hood kids

Simbas on the left and Cally (or Jr, as Jana says) is on the right

                                                      Our Front Room (up)
Jana and mine study space (left) TV room/ moms desk (right) 

                                                       Our really small kitchen table



 Front yard and...yes that is the only kind of toilet they have here
                                                         Our 'househelper' Ibu Eka!
Thanks for looking! Sorry they're a lil' blury I took them with my phone. (: Have a nice day

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Us in Korea, we had a 12 hour layover (like we did in Singapore) and as you can see...we got a lil' bored

Our 'social' time

Jamie...being jamie. We were all so tired from traveling we had to get some sleep


Jamie, me and my dad in Singapore...don't worry, my dad's not always that weird.

Jana, me and my mom on our way to Manado, a city an hour away from our house

Cookie Dough fight

Today, we tired to make some no-bake cookies...without measurments. But it didn't exactly work out...after a little bit dough started flinging  it turned into a fight. Learned it makes great moisturizer :P Pictures up soon. Second batch turned out a little better (:

The heat!

One of the problems the heat. Some people might like it, but me, I prefer the cold. You go outside and immediatly start sweating. It's not as bad where we live, on the mountain, but down in the city, Manado, man, its crazy.